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✔如果你想看更多我的短片和更新,請訂閱我的頻道! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more videos! ✔追蹤以下平台有更多日常生活...
✔如果你想看更多我的短片和更新,請訂閱我的頻道! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you want to watch more videos! ✔追蹤以下平台有更多日常生活...
こんにちは✨Hello✨안녕하세요✨你好✨ iHerbクーポンコード【CXA0899】 今回はアイハーブ購入品! 紹介しながら購入品をどんどん開封していきます! 0:43 JasonNatur...
SUBSCRIBE ➡️➡️ TIPS TIADA BAU #SiSviral with #Totalimage TIADA LAGI BAU Yang...
2021年3月 #5件最值得!今集係家品集,除左skincare之外另有3件都係家居用品!包括Sioris洗面奶,Life-flo油肌都用到的冷壓護膚油,天然洗衣粉Grab Green,洗衫晾衫的超級...
my mom is bac Shop like it’s your birthday on Lazada’s 9th Surprise Birthday Sale, happening on 27t...
2021年2月 #5件最值得!今個月多跟胸部保養有關係喔!:D 有Aura Cacia的茉莉花精油(你知道茉莉花可以美胸嗎?)、Shea Moisture Baby都可以用的身體乳液、Canvas的面...
Update of my new monthly favourites! ? We are 2 months into 2021 and here are some of the new produc...
Siapa dekat sini obses dengan skincare products and routines! ??♀️ Meet my new skincare routine ob...
ご覧いただきありがとうございます🌸 iHerb、ラブ❤️ _______________________ iHerb紹介コード🌱 〔AYE4700〕 5%OFFになりますので よろしければお...
Hello homecooks! Hope you are excited about the upcoming Chinese New Year as much as we are! Today w...